Tuesday, July 22, 2008

a ha!

you ever have those a-ha moments?  those ones that pull all kinds of seemingly unrelated loose ends together and you see not only how they all fit together, but the purpose of all that stuff?

i think i'm having one of those moments.  it's good.  there were some things that i have been struggling with--not sure how to deal with all of it, not wanting to leave it all in some pile in my life like the box of stuff in the basement that just doesn't have any place to call its own (other than the box).  i'm learning it's okay to let all of it go now because God has used it to serve a purpose in my life.  nothing grandeous, just a day-to-day buffing, shaping, molding, sometimes chipping away to get me be a little less like me and a little more like Him.

i need to let something go.  i think i'm doing it...it feels strange, liberating, a little sad for some reason...most importantly, it feels right because it's something that Jesus is asking me to do.  don't know what it all means for tomorrow, but today--a ha!  all of this was never about me in the first place.  (i've always known that, just forgot to live that way sometimes.)  it was about a God that has higher plans and used some day to day things to achieve it.  just glad my eyes have been opened to see and i can look for the next lesson.

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