Tuesday, October 30, 2007

short days

days go slowly sometimes. then you blink and years seem like they were just yesterday.
our family has been working through the illness and passing of my father-in-law for the past weeks.
hospital waiting room days seemed like time was standing still. his passing happened quickly.

going through things is a reminder of how short and precious life is. we don't know when our last tomorrow will be. there are 'i love you's' and 'i'm sorry's' that need to be said while we can.
for there to be memories to treasure later, there need to be memorable moments now.

i look at my boys and i pray that someday when they are remembering their parents, i hope that they remember time that we've spent together reading stories and playing in the backyard and trips to the zoo, always looking for something that we've never seen before. i hope that they always marvel at the mountains, knowing the God that made them. i pray that they see how i've done my best to trust God in all things--that they remember how we pray every day in the car together, asking for God to show us something new about Him. i want them to see that all the little everyday things we do together are shaping them to be who they are and all the little moments are creating the memories that they can carry with them until they are old and gray.

this part of our journey has reminded me that life is short. we all know it, but we don't always make the most of it. this has been a reminder to be thankful for each day because it truly is a gift from God (as trite as that sounds). so...i've been reminded to live each day to its most, not knowing when the todays will come to an end.

(for a future post...i can ramble on about how when our last today here comes to an end, we have a most incredible tomorrow in front of us--God created the most incredible future for each one of us and paid a most lavish price for us to be with Him.)

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