Thursday, November 15, 2007


had a thing at my son's school on tuesday night.
tons of people and some fun things planned for the kids...

i recognized someone's face--
someone that you know you should know their name.
finally got up the guts to say...'is your name amy?'
a smile came across her face...'yes...'
'did you used to live in g.i.?' (my hometown) 'yes...'
and two and two came together.

the last time i saw amy was when i was in elementary school.
we attended the same church growing up
and our moms' names were almost identical,
so we always joked about that.
found out that she has a daughter a grade below carter's
and they just started at this school not that long ago.

we said our 'we'll see you soon--maybe in the line after school' comments and left.

later on, it was strange that the one encounter
brought back all these memories that i really hadn't remembered in years.
the way our ccd rooms smelled,
singing in the children's choir together...
one encounter helped spark a bunch of memories.

funny how that works...i'm wondering, is this an early sign of alzheimer's--
not realizing how much you've forgotten?

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