Tuesday, February 12, 2008

reflecting a Good Thing

just got home from visiting a dear friend. i am humbled by her wisdom and in awe of her joy. it's contagious. she has been fighting through acute bronchitis and you can see the exhaustion that has taken a toll on her body, but she opened her apartment door and radiated joy.

after our visit and her sharing pieces of candy for my boys, i walked out of the building thinking a couple things: she radiates joy because she's loved and trusted Jesus her whole life--decades of love for Him can be seen in her face and demeanor. i pray that fifty to sixty years from now, those who visit me will see the love of Jesus in my words and behavior and demeanor. what a heritage that would be.

as we talked, i saw the happy wrinkles permenantly creased by her eyes and around her mouth. that's my other wish--that there has been so much joy in the years of my life that it is permenantly etched on my face. people do all kinds of things to get rid of wrinkles--creams and surgeries and injections. wrinkles are little trophies of the life we have had the privilege to live out. i think it would be wonderful to have happy ones because they are a reflection of the good things we've experienced and enjoyed in this life.

our visit was brief and the goal was to bring a smile to her face.
i walked out with my heart smiling, thankful of the days ahead.

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