Saturday, May 10, 2008

mission accomplished (with one 'moment')

we had a successful surprise!  i've been spending the past few days rearranging schedules to make an early pick-up of our new puppy.  boys were completely surprised and beyond happy.  it's always fun to see their expressions and then to hear their response of gratitude.  was a good morning!

a bummer moment this afternoon though...  carter was watching a movie in the living room while chewy (the puppy) was napping in the kitchen.  carter wanted the puppy to lay with him, so i put my camera in my pocket and then picked up the puppy to hear a klunk and then splash.  my camera fell into the dog's dish of water.  i have been hairdrying my camera and letting it air out, praying that it will be okay this afternoon.  (for anyone who knows me, my camera is my extra appendage--it goes everywhere with me and this is an incredibly tragic event for me.)  so i'm praying...

all in all, it's been a pretty good day (sans camera event).
the one thing i wasn't prepared for was the fact that carter's mouth hasn't stopped (literally) ALL DAY.  i need a tylenol to cope with the constant chatter!!!  

bonus points--puppy potty training is going well...only one piddle in the house.
double bonus points--toddler potty training--successful day in undies!

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