Monday, May 19, 2008

comedy of errors

i have to just laugh.  i could cry, but really, when i stop and put it all together, it just makes me laugh.

in the past few days, i don't think i have ever dealt with this much poop in my life.  i have a puppy that is not digesting things well and can't control it--which means messy kennel, messy dog, messy floor, yet another bath which means wet dog and the wet dog smell lingering in the air and then the need to clean all the floors again because i have a 'the puppy could have tracked stuff' paranoia.  i have a toddler who is almost all the way potty trained, but now has to poop every time we get near a toilet (and he's the kind of kid that you could read a novel while he's sitting there, taking his sweet time and then he's sure to announce to everyone we meet that he can go poop on the toilet--he'll be thrilled years from now that i shared this detail here.)

i usually don't have a ton of down time in the afternoons, so i value the moments of quiet, time to read and think...i value those moments greatly.  lately, they are all full of poop.

you gotta laugh.

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