Tuesday, May 13, 2008

breathe in, breathe out

i am sinking into my couch, munching on a piece of dark chocolate, breathing in and out very slowly and savoring a little moment of silence.

we have had a very busy few days with travels for our niece's graduation, adapting to life with an eight-week old puppy, some shifts in schedule as the school year is wrapping up and all the other normal day-to-day things that go on in our home.

we are loving the puppy, but completely forgot the fact that it's like having a newborn in your house again.  everything is built around how long the dog can wait before we have to get back and let him out and ways to expel all of his energy so we can take things down a notch in the late evening.  (pretty much like life with a toddler who is wearing his 'big boy undies' as we are potty training! lol)

good news is that we've been walking a ton more and i'm only hoping that a payback for all the extra walks and cleaning up piddles and doing extra laundry is losing a few pounds!

a girl can wish...

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