Thursday, November 13, 2008

cliche phrases

i grew up hearing the phrase 'treat others the way you want to be treated'.
as Christians, people who look to Jesus Christ as their source of life and for the ultimate model of how to live life daily, this phrase is more than some cliche.  we are not just to live this phrase out, we are to go beyond it--we are to treat others better than ourselves.  

it saddens me that every day, i am surrounded by people who claim Christianity as their credo, their religion, their lifestyle preference, yet the actions simply do not align with this principle of treating others better than you would yourself.  i know we all have faults, selfish moments, sin--but the Bible makes it abundantly clear that selfish behavior is not a sign of God at work in our lives.  we should be known for our selfless love, our servant hearts, our humility because of the work that God is doing in us daily.  it is that selfless love and humility that will draw others to who Jesus is because it is only He that can help us get past ourselves and love others without condition.  

religion can be filled with cliche phrases.  i pray that my life is filled with signs of God at work in, patience, peace, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, self-control.  i know i am incapable of those things in their purest essence without His work in me.  i want Him to unleash those things so i can only point to God and say that it is all Him.

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