Thursday, March 18, 2010

a step today

today, i am a hodgepodge of emotions.

last week, we registered our oldest for middle school.
today, we register our youngest for kindergarten.

i am excited for how my boys are growing up towards manhood. i am loving to see and experience them growing up. i laugh at how their sense of humors are developing and how they incorporate what they know of the world into their day to day conversation. i appreciate some of the independence that they are gaining...but struggle with how my role changes a little each day.

i am a little teary because my first-born is getting ready to step into unknown territory (and i remember some of the heartaches of middle school) and my baby is not a baby anymore (and he keeps crying that he would much rather stay at his preschool and wonders who will keep me company in the daytime while he is at i reminded him, thank goodness we have our dog and cat!).

i am launching my children a little farther into the world each day. some days are easier than others. some days i want to let them soar and other days i want to hold them a little closer than i did even the day before. i am so grateful that God helps us on this journey and has us walk only a step at a time. to register...and then we will come home and play. :)

1 comment:

Nathan said...

You're a great mom. I love you.