Monday, April 28, 2008


i like the feeling of things being clean, but i have to say that i don't particularly enjoy the cleaning process.  (what would martha stewart think???)

it's spring and i've been slowly working my way through the nooks and crannies of our home, recycling what we can, donating clothing and toys and household things, and just getting rid of all the excess that we simply aren't using.  i would so much rather have some one use and enjoy that stuff instead of it sitting unused in corners and drawers and closets.

i love the areas that are done, but at the moment i'm working on my side of the closet.  it's not a pleasant experience.
i've stuffed things in a hurry because i just wanted the rest of the room to be picked up.  some things are neatly folded or hung up, others were falling off the hangers.  some things are dated, some are outgrown. (ugh.)
there are items that i've been holding onto for when i know i will get back to that size again (thinking maybe that pile of clothes will be motivation to lose those pounds) and there is a stack in case i don't ever make it back to that size again.  (i really don't like that pile.)
there are favorite items that are comfortable and worn and there are pieces that just come out just once in a while for special occasions.  there are items that fit just right and some that it takes a little effort (like watching what you eat the days before and feeling like you've been sucking it in to make it look decent).

i'm looking at the boxes to go and a closet that has some new space in it.  strangely, i think there is a spiritual application to it all.  the process of cleaning through our spiritual lives isn't always an easy or pleasant experience.  sometimes we have to remove a bunch of clutter to get to the core of what's in there (or even to see what's in there!).  there are things that are comfortable to us, things that stretch and challenge us, things that just need to be thrown out, things that we could work on just a bit to make it fit beautifully.  it takes work, effort, time, patience, honesty, vision...

maybe my spring cleaning is more than just tidying up the house...

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