Friday, June 27, 2008

don't grow too quickly

i'm sitting upstairs listening to the noise of crazy boys playing downstairs, listening to the gentle breathing of a little one sleeping next to me.  colin wanted to keep playing with carter and the neighbor boys (who are all much older than him), but alas, naptime needed to happen.

there was kicking and screaming right until the moment he fell into an exhausted rest.  he kept crying 'i'm big enough.  i don't need a nap today.  i want to be with the big boys.'  i almost gave in and let him stay up until there was a little voice inside crying out 'don't let him grow up too fast.  he has plenty of long afternoons in the backyard to come.  and remember what he was like last time without a nap???'

so, boys are playing downstairs and in and out into the backyard.  boy is sleeping peacefully next to me.

they grow up so fast...i wish it could slow down just a little.

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