Tuesday, June 24, 2008


there are moments where all the energy, tears, prayers, effort of parenting pays off.  i think God knew i needed to see a few moments of 'payoff' to press on in the journey today.

as mentioned in my previous post, we added another compassion child to our family.  it has been a wonderful thing as we're beginning to learn about mwamnyazi's culture and life.  it has stimulated conversation on how God has blessed our family and how He never wanted us to keep it to ourselves, the blessings are there to share and point others to Him.  we have talked about all the 'extras' we have in our life and how we take them for granted, especially when there are so many people in the world struggling.

a 'payoff' moment today was when i had carter help me close up windows to turn on the air conditioner and he says 'mom, i'm so glad God gave us a nice house to live in.'  i replied 'yes, He sure did bless us.'  moments later, we were going downstairs so he could play down there and carter says 'i'm so thankful we have electricity.  so many people don't have all this.'

but the best was last night in bedtime prayers...carter prayed 'God, be with micaelly and mwamnyazi.  let them have food to eat, let them know how loved they are, and let them have your peace.'

to see him think of others first, to think of their needs...that's payoff.

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