Monday, January 21, 2008

an afternoon together

no elementary school today.  went to work for a bit and then wanted to do something fun with my boys.  we LOVE the zoo this time of year--so that's what we decided.  light snow, a little cold, but a wonderful trip!

we pray on the way to the zoo each visit, thanking God for His creativity and praying that He'll let us see something we've not seen or experienced before.  we've given 'high fives' to turtles and pet penguins, learn some behind the scenes things from the keepers and felt like we've had the whole place to ourselves.  we visit with great expectations!

we started with lunch at the restaurant at the jungle--carter got us a table right in front of the gibbons--nice!  explored a jungle, walking the bridge over and over since no one else was around us...the boys had a blast!  carter always loves the tapirs, so we spent some time in that area.

then headed to the aquarium--one of my personal favorites.  enjoyed sitting and just taking all the colors and diversity in.  watched a turtle for quite awhile (one of colin's favorites) and tried counting all the jellyfish.

walked in the snow and then right into the desert!  the boys love feeling the red sand in their hands and then trying to see if any of the snakes had lunch lately.  (boys.)  experienced their nocturnal feature--had a snack and then headed outside again.

paced with a white tiger, yawned with a siberian one and then saw a few frozen waterfalls.  headed into gorilla valley where i think we got our little prayer answered this time.  we stayed watching two little gorillas--sisters--play for quite a bit.  the older of the two was definitely showing off--somersaults and hand motions, and i have to say, it thought i saw several smiles.  the littlest was playing with a part of broken branch and then tackling her big sister.  it was just those little gorillas, us and another father and his daughter enjoying this little 'show.'  
colin would say that his favorite was watching the gorilla do somersaults--that it made him giggle.  carter would probably giggle and say 'do you remember seeing the little one poop?'  (boys.)

glad to spend the afternoon with my boys and just enjoy an experience together.

(will add pix later--experiencing technical difficulties :) )

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