Wednesday, January 9, 2008

learning lessons

had an interesting conversation with my nine-year old yesterday.
got home from school. he is always so good about getting homework done asap so he can relax the rest of the evening. one problem this time...the one book he desperately needed was no where to be found. we looked in every pocket of his backpack...drove back to school for him to double-check his desk and by their mailboxes in their classroom. book was nowhere to be found.
by this point, he was in a tear-filled panic--not wanting to disappoint his teacher, feeling bad that he forgot the book, and worried that they might expell him for not turning in his homework. :)

after a few moments of panic and frustration, i sat with him and we thought through all the options.
we thought of what could have happened to the book, of the steps he could take to still make sure his homework got done...and he said in this sweet, honest voice:
"why would Jesus let this happen to me?"

stopped me in my tracks...i was expecting him to be upset at his lack of responsibility, not placing the blame on God. we had a talk about how God loves us so much that He allows us to experience the consequences of our choices (like misplacing a book or the much stupider things we do in life) because He wants us to learn and grow--and it often happens through the choices we make.
carter asked why God doesn't stop us from making bad choices when He could make things right before things ever went wrong. good question without an easy answer other than all God asks is for us to trust Him.

all in all, it was a good conversation and reminder that God is working every day in all the little things. He is providing opportunities to learn and to grow and to trust His guidance--even when we do stupid things.

1 comment:

Kristin said...

Children. I'm learning that God created them so we could learn from them. Thanks for sharing.