Thursday, January 17, 2008

drive of many questions

on the drive to and from work today, my three year old was nothing but questions and commentary.  the ride went something like this:

is carter at school?  can i go to school?  can i wear blue snowboots?  can i have a snack?  do you see the flag?  i see snow falling, do you see the snow falling?  what's the name of that song?  (listening to the radio and one of his favorites came on...)  can i sing that song?  what letters are in my name?  c-o-l-i-n  how do you spell my name?  where is baby Jesus now?  is it Christmas?  what does that say?  can i play xbox with carter?  am i getting big?  can i call nana on the phone?  where does nana live?  i like juice, can i have some juice?  am i going to work?  can i type on your computer at home?  is it going to snow more?  sparkle snow is super awesome.  is today wednesday or saturday?  do we have to play inside today?  do you like blue?  i like blue...i like orange...i like you like black?  how do you draw a question mark?  can i make a letter x?  can we get carter at school?  can we play games today?  can i have my binky?  do you see that letter s?  what's that spell?  how do you spell shopko?  i found a flag, do you see the truck?  are we at work?  can i do voice mail?  can i watch a movie?  can you help me close this?  i love you.

lessons learned during my brief commute--be careful of your a.d.d. moments and never stop asking questions!

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