Monday, January 7, 2008


for christmas, carter got a book of lists. made me laugh to give it to him because (sarcastically) he needs just one more list in his room. he writes up lists of toys, cards, things he would like. lists of what hot wheels cars he has, lists of imaginary characters. honestly, i feel a bit sorry for the kid--both my husband and i have different 'list' things about us and carter inherited the full spectrum of both of us, together, all in him.

nathan has his micro detail lists...won't embarrass him here by sharing what all his lists are. most of mine are in my head. i don't really write them down, just keep them all stored in my head. lists of places i would love to see before i die, lists of activities i want my boys to experience, lists of what i need at the store (and what i want at the store too). to do lists and things for work.

thought i'd type a list or two via blog--to get some of it out of my head. know, kind of like spring cleaning...

places i haven't seen yet, but want to: great barrier reef, sao paulo, brazil--to meet the little girl we sponsor and to experience her world, bulgaria--would love to go there with our dear friends!, ireland, england, yosemite national park, arches national monument, sand dunes national park, boston in the fall, take a trip to see the lighthouses on the east coast, cape san blas, new name a few

places i've been and can't wait to go back: disney world, the tetons, yellowstone national park, glacier national park, mesa verde, the grand canyon, kansas city (to see my sister and brother in law!) name a few

things i want to see my boys experience: victory one step at a time, raw nature, summit a mountain, be mesmerized by the ocean, see the busyness of the big cities of the u.s., see the quietness of untainted land, roller coasters and ball games, the consequences of hard work and discipline, love at its purest, peace at its deepest, joy like only God can name a few

things i want to learn: how to play the guitar, how to write a good story, how to become more of a godly woman and mother, how to make the most of things--even when it's hard or difficult or not what i had in mind, to preserve memories of today for my boys to have later in their name a few

favorite beverage: diet dr. pepper followed by the flavored waters--the weird fruity healthy ones
favorite candy: chocolate, in most forms. esp. symphony bar with toffee chips
favorite snack: chips with salsa (really like hy-vee's organic pineapple salsa)
favorite form of exercise: walking (if super motivated, enjoy a pilates video that i have)
favorite local activities: love taking my boys to the zoo (both in the area)
favorite tv shows: grey's anatomy, survivor (when is that strike going to be over???!!!)
favorite movies: pride & prejudice, count of monte name a few
favorite sunday afternoon activity: naptime!
favorite music groups: cary brothers, desperation band, missy name a few

what i need from the store:
milk, bread, grated cheese, tortillas, fresh fruit, drinks for carter's lunchbox, healthy snacks for colin since he found the holiday candy stash.

will need to make a mental list of the other lists i could share...

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